
    Canada invited 2,000 candidates to apply for permanent residence in the latest Express Entry draw held on August 3, 2022. Express Entry is one of Canada’s most prominent immigration pathways for skilled newcomers.


    Invitations were issued to candidates with a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score of at least 533. There was no specific program for this draw meaning that candidates from the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) and Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) were eligible for that You are invited.

    The minimum CRS requirement for this draw was nine points lower than the previous draw, which occurred on July 20. In addition, 250 candidates received invitations in this draw compared to the previous drawing, when 1,750 candidates received an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

    Since all program recalls resumed on July 6, 5,250 Express Entry candidates have received ITAs. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have suspended these withdrawals for more than 18 months, inviting only eligible candidates for permanent residence under the CEC or Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

    Canada plans to receive 55,900 permanent residents through Express Entry in 2022 and that number will increase significantly to 111,500 by the end of 2024.

    Holders of an expired PGWP will now be able to apply for a new open work permit.
    Due to a pause in calls for Express Entry CEC candidates between September 2021 and July 2022, thousands of Postgraduate Work Permit (PGWP) holders have seen their work permit status expire. In the absence of CEC invitations, they were unable to apply for an open work permit while waiting for IRCC to process their permanent residence application. Yesterday, IRCC announced special measures that will enable holders of expired PGWPs to extend their open work permit status for an additional 18 months. This measure is intended to help these candidates transition to permanent residence and will allow them to continue working while they wait.

    Distance learning is now provisionally eligible for Express Entry

    Over the past two years, a number of international students have been forced to complete their education online due to restrictions caused by the pandemic. In response, IRCC recently announced that learning credentials for students who completed online Canadian educational programs between March 2020 and August 2022 will now be able to use this credential as part of their CRS score. This means that students can use their completed online education as part of their education credentials when uploading an Express Entry profile online.

    With the easing of epidemic restrictions around the world, this measure will only be temporary. Typically, if 50% of an education program is completed through distance learning, students will not be eligible for CRS points for educational credentials. However, if you earned a Canadian degree, diploma, or certificate and completed any part of a study or training program between March 2020 and August 2022, you are now eligible for Canadian educational credit points if you complete your entire program:

    • Through distance learning.
    • From outside Canada; or
    • Through part-time studies.

    Candidates already in the Express Entry pool may have already received a letter from IRCC telling them that they need to update their education information on their online profile. According to the letter, there are three new questions in the Education History section that must be answered or candidates risk receiving a lower score on the Common Reporting Standard.

    The questions ask how much to study personally, study in Canada and study full-time candidate in order to obtain the credential. When the letter was released, IRCC advised candidates to update their profile by August 2 to ensure that they maintained their CRS score and remained eligible in the current draw.


    What is Express Entry?

    Express Entry is the application management system for three Canadian immigration programs: the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP), and the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP). Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates in the Express Entry pool are already eligible for at least one of these programs.

    Express Entry uses a points-based system, the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), to rank candidates’ profiles. Candidates with the highest scores receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) and can then apply for permanent residence.

    After the candidate is submitted, the IRCC Officer reviews the application and makes a decision. The employee will request biometrics and may conduct an interview or request more documents.


    Once approved, the applicant receives a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR). Then, the final step is to complete the landing process and officially become a permanent resident of Canada.
